Krios ran along with the others in the group to circle the downed individual, all the while his shield poised and ready to be used as cover should he need it. The dust and ash covered earth made each step a little bit more laborious, and he began to feel the smallest beads of sweat form on his hairline – though this may have been more due to the building adrenaline than the physical exertion. “Don’t engage unless ordered. That means [b]you[/b] Garlenn!” ordered Ovra, causing Krios to aim a sly grin at his shorter comrade. He knew there was going to be a smart-arsed response before Garlenn even parted his lips. Focussing back on the horseman he found that it wasn’t a scenario that he particularly liked. For one he preferred a little more cover, especially when up against mages. And secondly, he didn’t like these sorts of tense situations where it was unclear whether or not a battle would take place. He liked things more clear cut. When talking to Tevinters in particular, he always felt like he was about to get a knife in the back and would rather just jump in axe first. Thankfully he wasn’t in charge. “Hey Aseema, maybe get one of those earth-walls ready? We’re a bit exposed here and I’d rather not take one of those lightning sparks to the face.” Krios suggested, looking over his shoulder towards the petite Dalish elf.