[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oBnee4N.png[/img] interactions with: [@Crosswire][@redbaron1234][@agentnumalol] [/center] There were no words. No words. That could describe the rage that Julian so desperately wanted to express right now Lilly was torn between how much of a terrible idea it was to leave Julian in the hands of someone that excitable and how hilarious it was to watch as Julian's override personality dutifully kneeled down and presented his arm as a step up to his shoulders. On a second consideration it was perhaps not the worst idea, Cedar was noticeably tired, and riding Julian would take some of the strain off and let her rest till they found something for her to eat and drink. Also the process of mounting taking a little while meant she wouldn't be far behind when they set out, meaning she could keep an eye on the two of them and easily catch up if something went wrong. Speaking of food, she turned back to the two gentlemen inspecting the little tree alcove [color=#92B3DB]”you two find anything good down there?”[/color] She asked, crouching down, ready to help them get back up and over the log After several tries junlian finally got something that was in the ballpark of what he wanted to express past his aggression filter. [color=crimson]“I am not your little pony”[/color] While this statement was technically true, it did not mean that he was any less ready to give Cedar a piggy back ride.