[center][h2][color=f26522]Rumia Shinrikyo[/color][/h2] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LWm7QJl6LBeAwavRx-I38QWASbJV9pXvk6-notFl3a0/https/i.imgur.com/JmfAGwu.gif[/img] [@Pirouette][@GlitchyBugger][@BladeSS4][/center] [hr] It would have been a shame if Rumia resented the idea of a brawl. But, it was clear this individual was a junkie for the stuff. This overly intimidating approach with an accent on dire consequences was not tailored to have the targets comply. No, the ginger wanted to butt heads, for the opportunity was inexistant in the previous challenge. When Hime would correct Tashiro's conviction and opt for a flee, the lass could only smirk at the turn of events. The desired turn of events. "[color=f26522]What will we ever do, cuz? They're runnin' away and we be sittin'ere on err asses. Already so far away.[/color]" The heightened senses Rumia employed allowed her to keep track of the distance and location of their designated victims. Kyoka had a thirst for them too, and with that confirmation, the taller cousin would grin ear to ear. One hand reached back to snag the petite one's collar in order to lift her off. "[color=f26522]Those fellas be gettin' away now. Fastball speshul?[/color]" A quick glance at her cousin's yellow eyes would covey all the morbid excitement the monster would be feeling at this very moment. From collar to actually supporting the girl with her hand flat under the abdomen, Kyoka had to straighten are body as if she were an arrow for this next phase. The opposing arm would straighten and point diagonally upwards, clearly a preparation to actually throw the girl. Chakra rockets burst out of shoulder, arm and elbow, prepped to launch the acid fiend well over the forest of death. With a second of consideration, Rumia was ready. Flesh jets flared with blue chakra before she'd hurl the blonde with her monstrous might upwards. Kyoka would be like an arrow, flying over the escapees in the attempt to cut them off with the accumulated velocity and lack of obstacles in the air. The ginger, on the other hand, had the jets mutate throughout her back and legs, so she could propel herself forward, and directly pursuit the fleeing duo. Zigzagging while keeping their ethereal scent, it was clear that she surpassed them in physical might, and channeled this might to make herself even faster. One would only need a convenient obstacle to allow the vile Shinrikyo to bulldoze Tashiro and Hime. They would see her dead-eyed glare fixed on them in the shadows of the forest behind them, famished for 'fun'.