"Ok," he said, giving her a nod in agreement. "I'll get you a dress and a scarf within a few days time." Berek heard the words coming out of his mouth, and realized he never expected the weak vagabond he saved on the road to be demanding this and that on the second day. He supposed this was how a lot of men became miserable in marriage. They try to help or get roped in by green eyes, and then the next thing they knew they were told to do this and that. He dismissed the thought. She was a Queen after all. This wasn't normal, and he shouldn't blame her for not being used to... Well, she should have gotten used to it by now. She must have some confidence to still retain her haughty air. It was almost impressive. "Well, I do sometimes act like a dog." He joked. "But it looks like you're stuck with me." He finished his meal, and chugged the remainder of his water before he stood up. "Now, I'm going to finish another contract. This breastplate will take me all afternoon. Let me know if you need anything, ok?"