Bigby huffed a bit when Jack didn't respond. Well the windows should be bullet proof like most stores and bars so it'll take a lot of force to actually bust them open. But they were windows and whatever was going on could see into the bar. Still he unplugged the machines so their lights died. He went across the room and did the same thing to the two pinball games before shoving them up against the closest windows. If something managed to break the glass they'd get bogged down by the heavy metal contraptions, probably long enough for Jack to do his thing or run. Well he did what he could for now and everyone was heading out now. [i]People got no patience...[/i] He thought while untying his weapon from his belt. Before leaving the building he snagged two [color=green]green herbs[/color] and one [color=red]red herb[/color]. When he got to the door he glanced back, the only people left that he could see were Jack and a blond woman. "Come on miss, Jack's a man of his word so best get armed with [i]something[/i]. Won't hurt to be in a group either." He called towards Sarah. The group moved along at an odd pace. Bigby himself was just walking normally, his eyes scanning the lit road for any signs of movement. He didn't see a point to 'stealth moving' when there wasn't even anything around. Granted the way he walked made his footsteps nearly silent, but he wasn't destroying his back keeping low to the ground and roadie running to another set of vehicles. The smell of burning wreckage reached them as they neared the street he came in on. When they got there it was revealed that a tanker truck, probably full of fuel given the flames, had crashed. "Lot can change in a few minutes..." He muttered, he had literally [i]just[/i] been here. Shaking his head he eyed the twitching bodies on the ground. It was rare for so many bodies suffering different amounts of damage to be twitching like that. Honestly he was tempted to smash in the skulls while they were laying there. Something wasn't right and it was just unsettling. But it'd be stupid to split up this early so he followed Will to the alleyway. Completely ignoring the embers and sparks that landed on him. Just another day at the forge to him. Will went about moving garbage cans out of the way. Given that Bigby seemed to be the only one armed he kept his eyes peeled and his ears open. His grip tightened on the handle of his wood and metal mace briefly before he relaxed a bit. Once they got to some crates he eyed them. "Should leave em there and just go over...I saw one of these things and it was stupidly slow. Probably fall right into these things..." He said quietly to the group before climbing over the crates. The others either climbed over like him or they moved at least one of the crates. But they were moving once again until an out of sequence noise popped up. Bigby stopped and looked around, it didn't sound human. The footsteps were to many and to synchronized and far to...quiet or light? Well whatever it was it was revealed when it lunged in and knocked Will to the ground. It was a rabid looking doberman pinscher. "Dammit I hate hurting dogs..." He muttered before running up and kicked the canine in the ribs. Sending it tumbling end over end down the remainder of the alleyway. He had heard a snap, probably a rib breaking from the steel in his boots.