[hider= Bigby's Stats and Inventory] [list] [*] [b]HP:[/b] 100/100 [*] [b]Ammo:[/b] None [*] [b]Current Weapon[/b]: Wooden club with metal flanges, reinforced metal bands. [*] [b]Current Mission:[/b] Find Safety [*] [b]Slot 1:[/b] [color=green]Green Herb[/color]: +50 HP [*] [b]Slot 2:[/b] [color=green]Green Herb[/color]: +50 HP [*] [b]Slot 3:[/b] [color=red]Red Herb[/color]: Combine with Green Herb for stronger effect, does nothing by itself [*] [b]Memento:[/b] Leather necklace with a shard of metal. Has the nordic rune for strength on the shard. [/list][/hider]