Two days passed much like the first. Berek and Humprey, as well as the Donkey named Jeffrey did their best to keep Ferona company. However they all had their own things to do, and it was the curse of the comfortable get bored just as Ferona was fearing. It turned out Berek did have two books. Though one was a cook book and the other was a fictional story of a Knight who saved a princess from a Dragon. Nothing informative, though entertaining. It was the morning of the 4th day they had been living together that Berek stood just outside of his front door, slipping on his pack and holding a walking staff. "I'll be back by nightfall." He told her. "If you're up to it, see if you could move some of the unsmelted ore I have in the barn to the workshop. Might help your boredom a bit." He gave her a wave, and headed off into town and down the road, the powerful young man now a dot in the distance. Humphrey sat beside Ferona panting, and she heard the neighing of Jeffrey near the barn.