[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] As soon as Atalanta let Medea loose, the Caster let out a sigh of relief and, after pushing herself off the ground and brushing the dirt that was stuck onto it off of herself, moved to pick up her staff and began to walk towards the port. Keisuke followed close behind, still wary of any possible issues or attacks that might spontaneously come flying out of nowhere. Luckily enough, there were none. "We have arrived," Medea finally said, gesturing over to a ship docked at the port. The vessel itself seemed to be in pristine condition, if not a bit bland in terms of decoration save for the occasional magical inscription that could be seen weaving around the boat itself. "I should warn you, though: under no circumstances should you be attempting to break the spells I've set up on the ship. I will take no responsibility if you accidentally lose an arm or a leg due to your own curiosity. Now, if those matters are settled, we should take our leave soon. I do not believe the trip should take long at all, assuming something doesn't go horribly wrong." With that nonchalant answer, Medea calmly boarded the ship, with Keisuke following close behind. After a few preliminary checks were completed, the Caster waved her staff in the air and the ship immediately began to move. Whatever had been anchoring the vessel to the docks was now gone, and only a few minutes after that did a timely gust of wind push the boat off into the seas ahead. The spontaneity of it all gave Keisuke pause, and he immediately grabbed onto a rope near one of the masts to steady himself as the group steadily headed away from the port. "Honestly, I prefer riding an airplane over riding a boat. Even if I don't get seasick, at least the trip is a lot faster," the Enforcer muttered to himself before letting go of the rope and beginning to walk around the ship. The design of the thing, as far as he could tell, was a tad more modern than he would have expected from this era, though that may have been partially due to whatever singularity was being tampered with here. Not that he would complain, though; at the very least, it meant that the group might reach their destination sooner than expected, but... "Er... Medea. Question. How long will this boat ride take, barring any unforeseen circumstances?" he asked, warily looking around at the port that was rapidly growing farther from his field of vision. "Normally, I think this journey would take a few weeks, but because of whatever is causing this mess combined with my own abilities, I believe it should only take... Maybe a few days at the worst? Do not think this means that the trip will be an easy one, though; on my initial journey over, there were a great deal more aggressive creatures lurking in the waters than before. I shall leave it to you to handle them." "...Great. Alright, I can deal with battles on a ship. Probably." "Speak of the devil. Over there, over the horizon," Medea motioned, pointing towards a large serpentine creature breaching and re-entering the water as it made its way towards the boat. "I need to keep the ship on course; can I ask you three to handle that?" Keisuke's eyes widened in shock as the beast continued to approach with ever-increasing speed, his hands now firmly gripped around his katana as the size of their enemy slowly grew in scale. "...Understood. Atalanta, Nobunaga, are you ready to take this guy down? Because you have all of... I think ten seconds to prepare?" he asked as the creature reared its head out of the water and screeched at the crew before diving back down. "Never mind, looks like it's starting now!" Grabbing back onto the mast as the sea serpent caused enough waves to rock the boat, Keisuke gritted his teeth as the enemy exited the water once more and lunged at the boat, its mouth agape in an attempt to consume the crew all at once. [hr] [h2][center]Ozymandias[/center][/h2] Seeing that there were no objections from the rest of the group, the old man smiled and slowly began to walk off to the seas. After what seemed like an eternity of slowly edging forward, the group finally made it to a small shack off the side of the ocean, along with an old boat anchored off the coast. There was a small dinghy able to fit the entire group on it, however cramped that ride would prove to be, and the old man simply smiled and gestured over to the boat. "Well, here you are. A beaut, isn't she? Ah, but you might have to go hunting for supplies along the coastline, since I haven't been on there in ages. Even if I am an old man, I've still got enough love of the sea to get you where you need to be going. The life hasn't left these old bones yet! Wahahaha!" the old sailor laughed heartily before motioning everyone to get on. Once they did, Ozymandias chose to row the small vessel forward (even if such behavior was unbecoming of a king) before the group made it to the larger ship off in the distance. The sounds of raucous laughter and shattering glass, however, put a frown on the old man's face as he stared up at the boat. "That... Is odd. I haven't let anyone on that ship in ages. Could it possibly have...?" "Pardon me, but I believe some other group has taken control of this vessel. We shall head ahead and check; wait here," Ozymandias said before materializing a part of his own ship to climb up onto the deck. What he saw was... Rather within expectations, all things considered. A group of miscreants drinking booze and mocking one another... "Pirates, huh? Disappointing," he said, waving his staff once in their direction. The spontaneous appearance of giant ship parts from out of nowhere knocked many a person off the side of the ship, and Ozymandias calmly strode on deck before beckoning the others to follow suit. "Let us clean out this vessel before we depart. We might not kill them, but the ocean may not be so kind," he said, glaring at the angry drunks that still apparently hadn't clearly grasped the situation. The sounds of metal and footsteps from below deck made it clear that there were more enemies incoming, but the problem was still the same, was it not? [@KoL][@VitaVitaAR][@Grey Star][@Rin][@Raineh Daze]