Ferona made a face at him, feeling a spike of alarm, but didn't object. "Goodbye. We'll be waiting..." Together with the dog she watched him go. Then she bent down and picked him up, petting his head as she went back inside. She took a seat at the table and propped up her feet, letting Humphrey be a lap dog, while she read the rest of the cook book. She was almost done but it still wasn't making all that much sense to her. She just didn't have whatever background knowledge and experience its readers were supposed to have. But she wasn't an idiot she understood the concept... There were just little things about the instructions that kept tripping her up. She wasn't ready to attempt it. She flipped the book closed once she got to the end and let the dog out to pee. At that point she decided to attempt the task Berek had given her. But as soon as she entered the barn and went to pester the donkey a bit she started to feel intimidated. She didn't belong here. She might look like a donkey right now but she was a purebred! She kicked the stall and turned away. Jeffery brayed in annoyance and then went quiet again. Sighing, she walked around. Ore... what does Ore look like? Well there was a pile of rocks... She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. Rocks = Ore? She didn't see anything else that looked promising. So she bent down and began inspecting pieces. Some of them did seem to have strains of metal inside. So yes... this must be it. She looked around for a wheelbarrow and began to load it up. But she got tired and quit. When she came back to the wheelbarrow she realized it was too heavy to move! Annoyed, she left it and went inside for some water and a sandwich (pretty much the only meal she felt capable of fixing). She didn't end up going back out. But she did wander around the house looking for things to do... Something about the furniture was bothering her. It wasn't arranged pleasingly enough, and she wasn't used to going around things so she kept bumping into them. Eventually she thought of one thing she could do well... She gathered up all Berek's clothing and searched until she found needles and thread. Whether it had belonged to his mother(?) or if he occassionaly attempted his own mending, Ferona could do this much. Not mend exactly... But needlepoint was a thing. She sewed up every tiny hole and took one of his shirts and began to actually embroider it. That's what she was still working on by the time night fell. It was like a patch over the breast with a knight's helmet, a horse shoe, and an axe. She was planning to add the words 'Berek's Forge' to the bottom later. While she worked she'd thought a lot about him. Despite having chats with him, she hadn't asked very much about him. Like she thought there WASN'T any more to him. But that wasn't true... It might be interesting merely to compare stories about their lives. Was there any common ground at all? So far it seemed that they both liked dogs and that was it. As far as his personality... He was kind, first of all. But also honorable and generous. Hard working. Handsome... She shook that thought away. She liked having him around much more than anyone else she'd met here. And... she was missing him.