The next morning Leon had been forced to wake up earlier then he would've liked much to his annoyance but realized it must've been important because his uncle was deathly sober, and was rather angry looking. He told Leon that he needed to follow him into the back of the inn, and that he was not to argue. Saber could come if she desired but what Leon had in store was due directly to him. No any of his friends, and not anyone else. A lesson had to be learned Collins had told him, and one that would be ingrained into him by the end of the day. Saber had appeared next to Leon not soon after he had woken up and had been told she had already been made aware of what was going on before vanishing back into mist in order to not rouse suspicion on why a knight was walking around. Collins took Leon into the backyard that evening as dawn was just about to break, and the grass was still wet on the ground with dew. Collins introduced Leon to two of his men, Harry, and Bill whom would be assisting Leon in his lesson. Even as pain flared up Leon's body as he remembered the sequence of events that had led him to what he was feeling now he could still remember the words Collins had told him: [color=8dc73f]"You see Leon the world ain't fair. It's full of trash, and refuse. Good people are scum, and the bad people are even worse. You already get the jest of how I feel about you summoning Saber. You just entered into a whole new world of fucking pain. And I ain't gonna tell your grandpa I let you fuck up, and die because you got in over your head. Normally if you had any other last name than what you do I wouldn't be out here preaching to you. But you do Leon. You show up at my door, you break into my study, and you do something that just brings a whole lot of shit around my head."[/color] Collins had told him clearly, and calmly but with an underlying anger that clouded his eyes somewhat. Leon had saw his uncle mad only a few times in his life, and that only meant one thing: He was serious. [color=8dc73f]"So I'm gonna show you, or rather force you, to get some new concepts into that undeveloped head of yours. You're not a child anymore. You're not a weak little baby who needs to be sheltered. You stopped being one when you chose to rebel against authority. I respect that but not the methods. So Billy here, and Harry are going to show you what it means to be a man. Or rather what it means to be a man in a warzone."[/color] Collins had told him. Leon knew what that meant it meant some training was in order. He had taken off his shirt and put it over the tree in the backyard only to get sucker punched by Harry who was unsympathetic to his cause. What had followed was a fight, or rather a brawl, on the part of Harry, and Billy teaming up on the younger Leon. 'A lesson to be learnt' meant that pain had to be instilled didn't it? Nothing ever came without pain especially in war. For Leon's part he was a fair fighter but he was by, and far outclassed by the older stronger men. Collins had forbid the use of magic in this. This was going to be done 'the Irish way' no pain no game. Leon timed his punches well but the older men could either take them in stride, or block them easy. In return Leon got jabbed, and kicked into the ground. He could feel Saber watching him struggle against these two. It made him feel a bit ashamed of his own performance after last night promising to be her partner. But Leon refused to cry out in pain, or keel over and beg to stop. The fight lasted awhile. Longer than Leon would've wanted. Harry was a great boxer, and Billy was a tougher man than Leon could believe stronger. He felt the bruises form on his body as he took kicks, and punches repeatedly. [color=ed1c24][i]"Master you got to be more aggressive! Fight smarter, and harder not with brute force!"[/i][/color] Saber had mentally scolded him in the middle of the fight he felt he anger at watching her master get trashed. And Leon did try to respond in kind. He fought harder, and fought harder but for every punch there was a kick, and for every landed blow there was someone already there to respond in kind. Without magic Leon was little better than a punching bag who could last a bit longer than the average guy. He felt how useless he was in the moments where he was thrown to the ground, and or punched down only to be kicked while he was down. It was for all intents, and purposes a beatdown. Leon didn't want to look bad but he knew he did. He refused to simply give up. To simply let the pain go through him. Even now as he felt exhaustion, pain, and a numb feeling with the mixture of the coppery tasting blood in his mouth he wouldn't just give in. He always got back up, he refused to simply give in like he did last night not in front of Collins. Doing that would be tantamount to suicide in Leon's eyes. Who's worse to piss off than the person who was trying to teach you something? Pain was a good teacher though. Leon learned a bit faster than some in the situation he did adjust his moves to Harry, and Billy but they simply were too experienced in this field to match him. Saber had appeared in her plain outfit by the time the sun actually got around. She had gotten tired of floating around as a ghost. Watching her master get beat down pissed her off. Not only was she not supposed to help but it also showed he had issues with his physical talents. At least he could take a beating which was something Mordred had not expected. She sat cross legged on the ground watching idly waiting. She stared at the scene. Three shirtless men rough housing in the middle of the dirt trying to teach a 'lesson'. It reminded her of her days training with Lancelot, and Agravain. She tolerated the fighting because it had a reason, and she hoped it was a good one though. She wasn't entirely sure what was the lesson behind this wanton training session. Eventually after awhile Leon was left kneeling on the ground after Collins called off his boys. Harry, and Billy for their part told Leon they had no issue with Leon merely following the boss's orders. [color=8dc73f]"...So you see Leon life ain't fair. In war it's even worse. People have no qualms with honor, or morality. To win this war you got to drop whatever morality you got. Your daddy, asshole that he may be, would agree with me I think. You don't let your enemies get back up. You beat them down, and beat them down never let up. Once they got no more in them you finish them."[/color] Collins told Leon as he nodded the fight had made that abundantly clear. His whole body was sore, and bruised. He felt like someone had just put him through a wood chipper. [color=00a651]"Maybe...but there's always room for a mercy...just as lo-"[/color] Leon started as Collins bluntly interrupted him. [color=8dc73f]"No FUCK that! Fuck that, and it's mama! You wanna be the man Leon? To be the man you got to beat that man! And to be the man you gotta be the best. And you ain't the man right now bucko!"[/color] Collins shouted at him as he walked over to Leon, and offered him a hand. Unthinking Leon accepted it only to have his feet kicked out from underneath him, and then was promptly twisted on his side. Collins's boots kept him on the ground, and his knee was driven into Leon's back and he felt the cold touch of a gun muzzle on the back of his head. [color=8dc73f]"If you can take it you can make it. Sometimes you gotta compromise your morality. Hurt people you don't want to hurt in order to win."[/color] Collins told Leon as he laid on the ground breathing heavily as he face was pushed into the mud. [color=ed1c24]"What a load of crap! You should do what you believe is right for yourself! But you should never hurt others who don't belong in the fight. Unnecessary violence only leads to corruption, and death! I would never hurt an innocent person if I could help it! Even at my rebellion I didn't force the citizens to do anything. It was all of us against my father!"[/color] Saber shouted at Collins. She had moved the moment Collins had pulled out his gun. Clarent was pushed against Collin's neck but he only stood there chuckling. [color=8dc73f]"Maybe...but good guys never have a happy ending? How many heroes actually got off free? No one likes a hero who didn't get fucked in the end. But that brings me too my second point."[/color] Collins boldly stated as he pulled his gun off Leon's head, and back into it's holster. [color=8dc73f]"You ain't in this alone. Didn't expect the saber to be...this but she's here for you Leon. You gotta rely on your mates just as much as they rely on you. War ain't usually won by one individual. It's a group effort. That being's always good to watch your friends just as much as you watch your enemies."[/color] Collins got up off of Leon and then Leon started to get back up only to be kicked one more time by Collins. Saber's frustration erupted and she punched him return hard enough to send him back into the tree but Harry, and Billy managed to catch their boss who gripped his stomach and coughed heavily. [color=8dc73f]"But never let your guard down. Not with anyone."[/color] Collins managed to get out between coughs. [color=8dc73f]"I'll let that go...went a bit far...but it served its point...I hope..."[/color] Collins growled as Leon managed to push himself up. He wasn't wrong...but he wasn't right either. Leon would win this war...without turning into a monster. He had to....he had to prove he was better than those he was fighting against! He wouldn't lose his morals, and become a cold monster. But he would need to act more coldly in order to win. [color=00a651]"Mordred..."[/color] Leon managed to get out as Saber looked over to him and sighed. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah what is it? You alright?"[/color] Saber responded as she looked over him he looked pretty bad but nothing some medicine won't fix. She'd seen far worse than a stupid mage who got his shit kicked in. [color=00a651]"I promise I won't be in the way...I won't weigh you down. But I won't compromise myself. I won't falter in my beliefs. But I won't lose this war. If we're together we can win i'm sure of it. I can take it. I will make it. Together."[/color] Leon smiled at Saber with a painful chuckle as she rolled her eyes, and wrapped his arm around her neck. [color=ed1c24]"Good my master shouldn't compromise in their beliefs...but let's go you patched up, and then let's eat. I'm hungry, and you look like garbage. You better pay him back though."[/color] Saber said as she watched Collins, and his boys walk back towards the Inn. [color=00a651]"Of course...I hate losing just as much as you..."[/color] Leon said as suddenly Collins called out, [color=8dc73f]"Oh, and Saber I think I got something for you too. Those may look normal for you but they don't for us. Just see me when you got a chance."[/color] Collins said pointing at her clothes. Saber grew a bit red and considered telling him to screw himself but instead grumbled a fine but lugging her master back into the inn but not before having him grab his shirt.