REASONS TO PLAY IN THIS GAME [list][*] Have you ever been stumbling helplessly around the setting of Resident Evil with your battle-tank movement controls, and some huge, fluid horror of undead flesh and ill intent comes bursting out of the scenery with flawless scripted precision and you thought to yourself, heck, why aren't I playing [i]that[/i] guy? This game is probably for you. [*] Do you ever find the distant, informal patronage of priest and warlock to be frustratingly impersonal, and wish instead you'd been hand-selected for unbearable greatness by a shadow-walking devil-zombie? This game is probably for you! [*] Parasite EVE was an amazing game for its time. Prototype was tons of fun. Dishonored, Bioshock, Eternal Darkness... [*] A world of rising infection and crisis where for ONCE your entire existence is not a series of tense interpersonal arguments involving concealed bite-marks and "someone has to make a supply run" - it's too late! And it's GLORIOUS! Overturn the stereotypes and sink both hands into the wriggling pseudo-life discovered beneath them![/list]