Proud of her, huh? That was strange. She mentally shrugged and left off petting the dog. The truth was, she was dying to go back into town. Now that she wasn't just some street person they could all terrorize or pity. And now that her ribs were healed. She could go shopping for herself! "That sounds novel!" she said. It would definitely be better than staying here, bored, all day. But then he had to ruin it with talk of the donkey. "Oh, not the donkey!" she cried, shuddering. But he must have thought she was cold? Come to think of it, she was a bit chilly. But soon that changed. As it warmed up, Humphrey settled nearer to Ferona and began to doze. Berek seemed tired too, laying down like that. There was something attractive about the casual pose but she looked away from it. "I--" she started and then paused, questioning what she was about to say and why on Earth she would say it... 'I could cook something for us'? No she could [i]NOT[/i]. What was she thinking? She twisted toward him. "Alright. But show me how to cook something too."