[Center][color=#C70039][h3]~Isabella~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] After the brief conversation with Ruby, Isabella continued onward. She ignored the fleeting pain - comrades who died did so willingly, knowing they would likely fall. Ezain knew this, and so did the others. To mourn them in such a situation as this would be disrespectful. Even so, the darkness of the tunnel felt comforting to Isabella. An easy place to hide, to move in silence and easily take out foes. The only thing she needed to know was the glimmer towards the end - like a star in the night. She didn't know what it was and she didn't speculate. She'd see it with her own eyes once she got there. Ignoring the others who she had deemed completely useless, she continued walking eventually reaching the disheveled study. There were clear signs of someone else being here very recently, if the light flickering off was anything to go by. Dwynn or something or someone else? Isabella frowned. Well then, where had she gone? The near pitch darkness and putrid scent wasn't helping - though it could also be used as a definite cover if she was creative and none of the other fools decided to do anything, well, stupid. At least she was the first one here so she could finish her business before they did. The only problem now was how to keep moving. Isabella grasped the blade in her hands tightly, taking a brief look around the near-pitch darkness as the entire walls shook and rattled with whatever beast they had awakened. There had been a light from above...so perhaps there was a place above, they could reach? Careful, slow steps carried Isabella towards the direction where the light had been, stumbling over a few loose items and making sure to walk slowly to avoid running into anything. It was too dark to attempt studying the room, even though it likely had something of value. She'd need to remember to return later when things had died down and she could work without her so called allies messing everything up. So for now, she listened as best she could so she wouldn't run into any surprises. As soon as she'd reach the wall from where the light had been, she'd reach out and touch it, feeling the wall for something and seeing how sturdy it was. Working in pitch darkness was difficult, but as long as one didn't let the darkness get to them it wasn't all bad. She felt more at home in such a situation anyways, for whatever reason. The light had come from above them, had it not? So, there was something up there. Well, there might not be - but there was only one way to find out. Time to test if this thing could actually be useful in a way she liked. She took ten steps away from the wall before turning her head upwards, and readied her blade. With a casual swing, she swung the heavy blade from over her shoulder. Instead of trying to collapse the entire ceiling this time, she'd instead hopefully use just enough strength to embed itself in a wall like it had done with the first swing she made earlier - effectively using it as a sort of grappling hook. If the way this blade seemed to work was indeed correct, then it should be able to pull her up as long as she wasn't attempting to resist it. If there was an area up there - or at least a wall she could At least use it to both get a quick way up - as well as potentially get a jump on whatever was up there.