She was grateful she didn't have to ask for his help. But the WAY he came to her aid... She startled slightly and glanced over her shoulder questioningly. But she didn't pull away. She swallowed and nodded, trying to focus. But he was too close. She held herself away from him slightly, and yet could still feel the muscles of his chest pressed against her back. Her mind was all to happy to remind her of what he looked like with his shirt of as well. Heat crept up her face. His weighty arms encircled hers warmly. And he had his own distinct smell, too. She took a breath, finding it not an unpleasant smell... But then she dropped the knife and pulled away, flushed. "No--Yes, yes. I've got it, Berek." She turned away but he could probably still judge how red her face was by how red her ears were! She crossed toward the fire and checked on the water. "It's boiling. Um, what do we do now?" She raised a hand to her mouth and bit her knuckle, briefly closing her eyes. She couldn't become attracted to him. She just couldn't let that happen... They were LIVING together. He was a BLACK SMITH. No matter how sweet he was, buying her roses, looking at her and touching her like she wasn't cruel or cold or ugly, OR crazy! That was the worst of it. Or the best of it. The way he simply looked at her sometimes!