Ryan watched a while as Dria and Kearney interacted, along with a little help from Oliver. She hated that she couldn't be more help with them, but she just wasn't always the greatest at these things. She felt the need to be professional, but there were things that kept nagging at her. Every time though, as if on cue, Dria would nudge her and try to get her to interact. She couldn't bring herself to though, not with the obvious discomfort that Kearney was feeling. She knew that, and she would much rather ease into interaction with him than bombard him with it. Then the words came that nearly shattered her, and her eyes caught Oliver's. Kearney wanted to go home, but she remembered hearing about the burning. She had been to the ruins after everything that happened with Trent, solely to keep her own resolve. There had been plenty of times she had felt like she wanted to give up on it, but each time she was reminded that the innocent people needed help. She couldn't bring herself to look at Kearney for a moment as Oliver broke the news to him. She couldn't think of anything at the moment to even try to give solace to the man before her. "We can head there now if that is what you wish, though." she said. "It will be good for you to get what rest you can." Dria gave a nod too, her demeanor changing even when Oliver had spoke. That had to have been a lot to take in. "Um... I'm going to head out myself. Ryan has my information for whenever you're ready to be seen." she gave a small half smile before she left them. Ryan's eyes fell on the file and she saw the address that Kearney was being moved into. That wasn't far off from where she was at now, and Charlie was staying in the area as well in a nearby flat. He had wanted space from his family, even if he was at the Burrow everyday. The thought of Charlie had reminded her that he had Ayden and that they were supposed to be meeting with Katie once everything was finished up with her. Ryan was supposed to head over when she was done as well, so hopefully Katie would have good news when she got there. Ryan stood, placing a few bills on the table for their tab and she tapped her wand against her briefcase and watched as everything went back into it. "Whenever you are ready." she said, quietly.