[center][h1]Vrondi Capital[/h1] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/c595/f/2012/011/7/b/dungeon_level_1___level_concept_a__tunnel_by_cloister-d4m02xn.jpg[/img][/center] Taking out the guards was easy. But getting Baqar to muster enough strength to help Ziton move the bodies took some effort. The boys phobia of the dead was dispelled when he was told that they were only sleeping. A branch with dozens of hanging leaves was used to cover the indentions put into the ground by the armored guards. Their bodies were clad in polished metals and reflected the sunlight. But away they were taken behind several trash barrels east of the entrance they were guarding. The hand of Ziton smoothed over the entryway wall. His eyes looked over the curve of the tunneled entrance. It led directly down but in a slant to allow one to walk. Ziton looked down to Baqar who was nearly shivering from the cold winds that bellowed out over them. “Come.” Said Ziton and he began to walk forward. He did not look back even as Baqar did not budge. He soon began to be enveloped by the dark and Baqar then began running to catch up and kicking up dirt as he did. “Wait!” He shouted before grasping the very last bit of garment of Ziton’s overcoat before it too was consumed by black. Ziton turned and his glowing yellow and red eyes looked down at Baqar, but nothing more could be seen. “Don’t fear the dark. But what’s in it.” He kept walking and Baqar held onto his coat as they both began to delve deeper into the tunnel. [center][img] http://img12.deviantart.net/ce14/i/2013/283/c/1/demonic_dungeon_concept_art_by_alvinas-d6pxlcr.jpg[/img][/center] An echo of droplets of water met their ears. The smell of earth and water along with dampened stone floors led to this location. Ziton stared from above with a bit of a assured smile on his face while Baqar was visibly in awe. He hadn’t let go of Ziton’s coat yet and looked around at all of the surrounding structure. Entry ways with bars on them scattered all around and at the center a medium sized building. It was all empty it seemed at first. Ziton began to walk along the path that led west and down a flight of stairs that curved in a spiral to one of the few bridges that led to the center enigma. But as Ziton made his first step on the bridge the sound of moans and groans could be heard. This was accompanied by the shouting of angry voices and hands coming out from between the bars waving frantically. Their loud unified rambling was incoherent and made the young Baqar very uneasy. This took Ziton a moment to process. But as he firmed his second foot on the bridge he felt at ease once more. “Prisoners…” He mentioned taking a pause to point them out to Baqar. “Likely ones too dangerous to keep in regular cells. This is hell.” He scanned the constant flames on his destinations décor and observed the skulls that were edged into its stone surface. “There’s what I’m looking for.. in th-“ He was cut off by a loud shrieking roar from below. The lava that flowed under Baqar and Ziton gave way to the form of a [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/9ff6/i/2012/219/5/6/lemurian_shadow_serpent_war_steed_by_chuckwalton-d5a8lsv.jpg] black serpent with legs that gripped the walls to slither up.[/url] Ziton pushed Baqar back to the staircase and stood his ground as the creature crawled up the wall, hot lava dripping from its body. It shook and sparks of hot rock went flying around. Ziton placed up his overcoat to deflect the sparks that flew his way while Baqar his behind the staircase wall. "Stay down Baqar. When you see an opening try to get that door open.." Ziton mentioned this without turning back and as he did so he was spotted by the beast. It snarled with a loud shriek and began to crawl across the wall to get closer to Ziton. He watched it briefly before leaping down off the bridge. He grabbed the bars of a cell and was dangling above the lava. He looked back to see the dragon continue its pursuit and grinned. Baqar was overlooked as he hid. Ziton then turned and noticed the form of whom was in the cell. A being with tattered clothes and withering flesh. The slow rise to observe the man hanging against his prison cell presumed a slow weak body and a harmless mind. Charging forward abruptly turned this on its head. Ziton was forced to leap once again and dangled from another cell, looking up at the arms that reached for him that were clawing at the walls. "Alright... to hell with this..." pulling from his holster was his projectile weapon, an advanced weapon like few others. He pulled the trigger after aiming at the wall across from him. The massive dragon that slithered like a serpent came rushing down to Ziton. But as it reached him Ziton was gone and was where he was aiming, only now he was on a ledge that looked over the many cells. The reptile searched before a spark like an explosive went off against it's hide. The beast seemed seldom affected and turned menacingly to Ziton who fired the shot and began to pursue again. As this happened Baqar walked along the bridge with a light jog. He reached the door and looked up at it's skull decorations with fear in his eyes. The door would not budge. "It won't open!" Cried Baqar. Which gained the attention of the serpent. Ziton noticed the creature begin to change course and fired several shots that pelted the beast until it resumed chasing Ziton. "You stay on me... I'll get that door open. Just a sec.." Screams and yells could be heard all around as the prison inmates watched with maddening glee. ------------- [Center][h1]Vrondi Capital[/h1][/center] "I suppose we have Maria to thank. Though I do appreciate your decision to honor your code till the end." Spoke the King of Vrondi to Zargoth. He had a drink lifted from a table float to his person. "We will be starting the more serious discussions in a bit. Please do join us when we do begin. The usual formality is that only kings or queens can speak. But I believe we will need some insight from ones older than us." He drank from the cup after grabbing it with his left hands fingers. "I certainly hope we can combine forces to end this all swiftly... have you been at all affected by these recent troubles?" Vrondi asks Zargoth as the banquet continued. [@Landaus Five-One] Within the streets of Vrondi a parade walked through the district's main streets. Many within the parade wore colorful decorations made from feathers and scales. [Url=https://s1.postimg.org/25eu29zctr/afd31f3ddbd524ede5e2d9f6ca35591a--dragon-design-character-concep.jpg]A woman[/url] decorated head to toe led a portion of the parade with many others dressed like her. They eventually arrived at the center of the shops and many remained. Some performed dancing, displays of spells for fanciful visual effects and more for the fun of being in Vrondi. The number of colorful people grew within the crowd. A few took notice of the arrival of a few prominent individuals. A few crowded around a [url=https://s1.postimg.org/7vtiznn6q7/74f1b4247244fb203a84e2706d8b883b--dark-fantasy-fantasy-art.jpg]man who stood[/url] alone in the center as he attempted to calm down a few people in the crowd. "Apologies but I am due at the banquet." But his attempts to move beyond the crowd was hindered by more people. Many whispers told of the man being a crescent moon knight. A member of a small unnoticed faction within twilight town. They fight for both Vrondi and Nero when necessary. He was alone but had a Large spear on his back. "Please I have to go." He pleaded. Though standing around seven feet he was unable to wade through. --------- [Center][h1]Outside Vrondi Capital[/h1][/center] A few Vrondi guards began to patrol the outer village homes and farms. While there they began asking them if they had any volunteers to help setup a barrier. Two approached from a few meters away and observed the two descended behind a tree. One noticed Rhagar speaking to civilians and approached him. "You there." He said to gain his attention. As he spoke to Rhagar about volunteering for the fence. While this happened the other guard approached Promitheus and Elise. "Excuse me." He looked a bit suspicious of them being behind the tree. [@Demonic Angel]