[i]Ophelia moves to sit while the rest of them eat, nodding to Hargul and handing him a plate of food as well. [color=6ecff6]"Yes sweet heart, I'll show you the dress later, okay? But this one's mine this time. I can make a new one for you if you like, instead."[/color] She says to him, looking at the creature with adoration, despite how annoying he could get sometimes. He had definitely grown on her. Ophelia's attention was then brought to Roxas who had asked her a question. She was only partially listening, despite being hyper aware of him. [color=6ecff6]"Hmm?"[/color] She said for a moment, before the question registered for her. [color=ed1c24]"Umm if it would be okay with you, can I talk to you for a moment Ophelia? I have a question about tomorrow I'd like to ask."[/color] He had said. She looked at him with partially narrowed eyes, [color=6ecff6]"What would you like to know, Roxas?"[/color] she says, her voice low but even. She wondered why he was curious about the day to come, but then thought that maybe he only said that to get her attention, and then would ask something else. Her face was expressionless, her eyes still dull from earlier while she watched him grab his blazer and bag. Her shoulders slouched very slightly and she got up to follow him. [/i]