Here's my CS ~ [hider=Dora (Dorawoutalyn Grukwairgith)] [list] [*][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Dorawoutalyn Grukwairgith / Dora [*][b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 17 [*][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Female [*][b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Human [*][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [url][/url] - She is a midget [*][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Dora is a [s]thief[/s] treasure hunter. She hunts treasure by taking stuffs from the soldiers of Grandia, scavenging those which she finds useful while selling out junks on the black market. She is surprisingly loyal to her country, as she only target treasure from Grandia, her enemy state. Her cause would stem all the way back when she was a child, where her family was killed by Grandia soldiers in the middle of an ugly border dispute. She enjoys reading children's books, like fairy tales, and one of these books inspired her profession. [*][b][u]Brief Backstory:[/u][/b] Dora is born in a village near the border of Felbar. She had a carefree life as a toddler, but things changed to the worse when her village was caught in a border dispute between Felbar and Grandia. Not only that she lost her family, she has also lost her village to Grandia soldiers. Only Dora and the Village elder had the fortunate chance to survive, and the elder decided to take her in after the conflict. She lived with the elder, fetching food & tending his injuries. A few days have passed, he succumbed to his injuries and died despite her valiant efforts. From there on, she started on her treasure hunting profession by scavenging the corpses of Grandia Soldiers. The following months were spent on starting up her business at a town and finding reliable traders. Her year of trial and error in failed businesses has made her malnourished, which contributes a bit to her petite height. But, for the rest of nine years, her treasure hunting job went smooth sailing and she made a living out of it. [*][b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] Dora's magic is unrefined at best. She only uses it to add killing power to her rifle. Her magic element is Light. Elmythia Lance - By adding her magic to her rifle and thrusting it forward like a spear, Dora fires a shot more powerful than a conventional bullet. The bullet leaves behind straight trails of light magic like a Lance, thus the name. [*][b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Dora is good at stealing from her enemies. She enjoys using the cover of the dark to get to her targets unnoticed and unscathed. She is also decent in using her dagger to defend herself, and to 'harvest her treasures' from living targets. She scavenges her loots with a file & spanner. She doesn't like using rifles, but she keeps one just in case she gets caught in an open battle. For tougher opponents, she can use chainsaw & grenades to get through their tough armour. [*][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] Dagger, Spanner, file, rifle, Chainsaw, Grenades [*][b][u]Origin:[/u][/b] Native[/list] [/hider]