He gave her a smile that showed his teeth, bright and happy at her sudden excitement. "Ok ok, we'll get some eggs and fish." He declared, looking around and gathering what she suggested. "Oh, broccoli sounds good too. Carrots as well. Jeffrey, Rose, and we could have some of those..." He was half talking to her, half talking to himself. Oh, they needed wheat too for the trenchers. Not to mention some more spices, though they were expensive, often from lands far away. He purchased all of the above, slipping them into his sack and paying the merchants, content with the wages he had earned from all of his work at the forge. "We'll need some more milk as well, but not here. I usually get mine by bartering with a neighbor down the road." He gave Ferona a sly wink, showing they'd get to it soon enough. Rose neighed, and it drew a few faces in their direction. "That's the handsome blacksmith." One of the maidens said, her face falling when she saw Ferona striding beside Berek. Her father laughed. "Looks like he's taken girl!" "Who's that with Berek?" Another asked. "The rumors are true, but I don't recognize her." They grabbed a few apples too, Berek handing Ferona one and taking a bite out of his own as they left the marketplace, Rose's tail swishing to and fro as they walked in their own little world. It took only an hour or two for them to shop, and once they were done, Berek halted near the edge of town. "Ok, sit tight. I'll go in and grab a cloak for you." He said, squeezing her shoulder. "Keep an eye on Rose."