[i]Ophelia looked at her hand in Roxas's and she could feel and hear his heart beating again loudly. She avoided his eyes for a while, while he asked her questions. [color=ed1c24]"I heard what you said in the other room. I was just curious what you meant by 'you would kill her where she stood." "Is there something you want to tell me?" "What is the problem with you taking some of my blood?"[/color] Finally Ophelia looks up and him and her lips part for a moment before she speaks. [color=6ecff6]"What I meant by that, is exactly what I said. If she touches you in a way meant to harm you, I will kill her. And no, there's nothing I want to tell you. I don't want to tell you at all, but I will,"[/color] she smiles very faintly for the first time in a while, then continues. [color=6ecff6]"I don't know how much you know about Vampires. We aren't simple. The problem with taking your blood, is that it creates an indescribable bond between the Vampire and the person he or she is feeding from. I normally don't ever feed from anything, be it human, magic user, being, or animal, without killing it first, for the simple fact that the bond will be created instantly as long as the person doesn't die. I understand it was selfish of me."[/color] Ophelia took a few steps away from Roxas, putting distance between them as her stomach sank slightly. She felt uneasy, then looked at him again, [color=6ecff6]"You can walk away from this. I would understand."[/color][/i]