If you are found a thief then it is to the value and scarcity of the stolen item the council is forced to penalize you accordingly even to the penalty of death which requires a full vote of every adult assembled over the age of 16 for your trial. Even if you are not sentenced to death you will be sentenced to life at labor under guard if found guilty of murder, kidnaping, rape, or treason. Any woman who has need of help raising her children is the first concern of the Band and she provided shelter, food, and those provisions necessary to a child. Harming a child or molesting a child is a crime you don't want to commit because if you are proven such then a crime of passion killing is forgiven if they are blood family of your victim so long as they assure you not rise after Each citizen must attend the weekly archery test on their community green and their skills noted in 12 flights at 100’ and a score of under 4 out of 12 afoot cause of remedial study till they improve. Doctor verified eyesight issues or being over the age of 40 excused though most wouldn’t push the last one [hr]