[center][b][color=lightgreen][h1]Hilda Raleigh[/h1][/color][/b][/center] So she was right in her assumption that all of them were trying to meet the dragon, some of them looked to be in a more rough state than she was, which made her wonder from where did they come from, from the looks of it, it wouldn't be too long before dark and with things like dragons flying around as they pleased who knew what other kinds of things would be hiding around and like her father taught her long ago, true strength is in numbers. "I don't want to be monster food or at least not till I meet the dragon," she thought, Most of them looked friendly so it couldn't hurt to try to persuade them to join forces till they reached the dragon's castle or at least until the night was over. "I-I too are looking for the dragon and assuming all of us are going to his castle, would it be a s-safer option to go altogether, who knows what things lurk in the d-darkness, and besides I have plenty of food to share if you are hungry!" She said clearly nervous to speak with these new strangers, showing her small bag filled with apples, that some villager had gifted her not too long ago. Now she only had to wait and see if the other aspiring mages would accept the option of working together, even if only one or none of them might get selected to study under the dragon.