Hello all. Tentatively taking a step back into the ring. I used to be a member way back in the early days of the forum. I was actually the GM of quite a few threads at one time under a different name (Can't recall what I used to be called). I left RPGuild when the forum was being updated over the winter holiday and everything got wiped. At the time I was too crushed to bother picking things back up but after all these years, I still yearn for some good old fashioned RP. I intend to check out the Discord to see about the potential for Instant-Message RP, as I have always preferred that. (back in the day I used AIM for it) I may also start browsing the forums themselves and poking my nose in a few (preferably more advanced) roleplays. We will have to yet see how things pan out, but I'm hopeful that this site may allow me to continue an old passion of mine, and while the hours away in epic roleplaying once more. ~Aut