Closing into the finish line, Kimberly got onto the appropriate exit ramp and charged like a bull up it. It was only a few turns and curves before the garage was coming up, meaning she had to get the tires loose. Grip was essential earlier, but she needed to get rid of it now. These next few turns needed the absolute limit of the car. She had to enter them sideways, and knowing this area, she knew that there was a crucial shortcut coming up. Kimberly kicked the clutch and whipped the wheel to the opposite side, feeling the tires break their grip. The Mustang's weight shifted as it held the drift, seeing the smoke and tire marks be left behind in her wake as she straightened out the Mustang and pointed it in the right direction. Going through gears, Kimberly's eyes watched her phone and the road up ahead, anticipating when she would have to make the turns and cut into that shortcut to get that sweet, sweet saved time and have the best shot at winning first place. "I'd recommend you strap in and hold on, Seb. Gonna be a wild ride." Going down a gear, Kimberly pointed her foot at a forty-five degree angle and rev-matched the downshift, before whipping the car in a certain direction. After these next few turns, there was an alley ahead that would point her right at the garage and possibly send her straight to the front of the car. The biggest problem in Kimberly's head right now was the diminishing grip on her tires. These were semi-slick tires, but they weren't going to hold up underneath the immense stress Kimberly was about to put them under. Not like this. Migrating her right hand onto the emergency brake, she was waiting for the right time to pull it and get the car looser. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Past the stop light and the e-brake was yanked. She didn't have the time or the patience for a clutch kick. She needed it to lose grip now. Disengaging the e-brake, she kept her hand on the little stick, waiting for the last turn before she was able to stop with the e-braking. Seeing it, she didn't bother following the turn up ahead. She just darted straight for the alley up ahead. Feeling the suspension take shock of the transition onto elevated ground, she continued on. Flooring it down the narrow alley, she could see a side entrance into the garage. Just a few more minutes, and Kimberly would be taking the well-deserved 1st place.