[@knifeman] Unfortunately. Junks noticed. [color=f7976a]"You don't seem like a Jarod. But then again, I don't seem like A Jerome. That's my name, actually. But I've gone by Junks since I was Young. Guess we both had wrong names, huh?" [/color] Junks lowered his guard about his up and coming Diamond heist. Least he could do is be nice to Her after getting pushed around. He had the slightest hint of regret for feeling her pockets. [u]Slightest.[/u] [color=fff200]"Don't you go all softy on me, Junks. She is and will be a target. Use her as a means to gain what you need. Then discard her friendship. Remember it's-"[/color] [color=f7976a]"-Dog eat Dog."[/color] He muttered under his breath. He had taken his old mentors words to heart. There were shallow marks on his back from when he hadn't. Nevermind that, for now.