[@Caits] I'm going to say that I already know/checked some of these activity status. I'm simply making this post to say share my knowledge and confirm a few people current activity status. [@Demon Shinobi] already mentioned long before that he was withdrew from the RP. But there are a few times that someone catches him viewing it and says hi. But it would be cool to see his split personality dragon slayer again. Plank Sinatra is active. I currently have Krayzikk, Onarax, and Plank on a job that the Council assigned them too. But I do want to ask. [@Krayzikk] and [@Plank Sinatra], is [@Onarax] okay. I haven't seen him post with my last post that involved his Rei. [@Natsume Honnaji] last said that he needed someone to respond to his character. [@Shikaru] mentioned that they were interested and was thinking on what kind of character to make about 4 months ago. For [@Silver Fox], I haven't seen her post in the RP for some months. Last thing that was said was that she wasn't sure of what to post about.