[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/523ed7050654d50bbae4eb51a3735349/tumblr_inline_n767baVN661szvbv0.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Medical Garden (10)[/center][hr] Thana took the notebooks and flipped through them quickly, giving them a cursory once over before shoving them in the back of her pants at the belt. They were something she would look over thoroughly once she had come up with her own way of doing things. It wasn't that she didn't trust what James had done, he obviously had done a decent job thus far considering how many people they were feeding. It was something else. Thana never liked getting input on things or information until she came to her own conclusions. She didn't want to be influenced one way or another about something she had a thought about before she was able to fully form a plan in her head. Then she consulted other information and adjusted as she saw fit. Plus, she needed to make this job her own, not have her just be a continuation. Looking over at Ash she nodded a bit. [color=0072bc]"Then if you would be so kind Sir, lead the way."[/color] Her voice was clam and even as she spoke. She was pretty sure she knew how to get back to the Agricultural storage on her own. The place was large enough but it wasn't like it was complicated. Yet, she knew there wasn't going to be much for Ash to really do while he tagged along with her other than giving her directions and doing what menfolk were good for - carrying heavy shit so she didn't have to. It wasn't an elitist thing but she knew Ash needed to try to keep his mind moving and if he was left to do nothing, it could make things rougher in the long run. Staying busy was a good way, to a point, to deal with stress. If he was seeing things the last thing she needed was his mind left to fully dwell on it. Stepping over to the door she opened it and stepped out before waiting for Ash to join her so they could lock up and head onto their next destination. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=598527]Lola Holler[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cdn1-www.afterellen.com/assets/uploads/2015/10/tankgirl.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] North Of Newnan (Spring & St. Clair)[/center][hr] Lola didn't like the idea of meeting up with this guy who had obviously dropped some really bad news on her only friend left on the planet but she figured that Thalia wasn't going to turn away from getting information on the very people she had been holding out hope of finding for years. And like she could tell her best mate no? Seriously, what kind of person did that? Other than a rationally thinking one that knew this could be nothing more than a trap. Well obviously, Lola wasn't exactly rational when it came to things. Sighing she stood up and slowly opened the hatch more before popping her head out and eye balling Alexander. Keeping her voice hushed, well hushed for her; which actually more like a drunken person trying to whisper. [color=598527]"Listen pops, we heading out soon. Don't know where, don't know what'll happen. For all I knows this spotted dick is going to try to guts us. So, if your out, jump off now. If your in, climb in and grab a seat,"[/color] she said rather matter of factly before dropping back into the tank. Giving Thalia half a glance she sat down and watched the woman. [color=598527]"Come on, let's either gets a move on or tell him to fuck off. Either way, don't want to be sitting here with our asses hanging out,"[/color] she said quickly. If they were going to meet up, then now was the time. If not, then she wanted to get a move on. Sure they were in a tank but stopping in the middle of the road to have a phone conversation wasn't the smartest thing to do, even she knew that. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Newnan's House (Building F)[/center][hr] Tatiana shook her head towards Ray. [color=a187be]"You are good. This is vhat you here for unless Jack vants you to leave,"[/color] she said, supporting Ray being there. If Jack wanted him to leave, that was something else but if this was concerning the town and how people were, he needed to hear it as well. Looking over to Jack she cocked a brow as he started speaking. Her face showed some concern but it was only there for a moment before she started giggling lightly and stood up. Carefully, trying to keep the weight off her foot she hobbled over to her husband and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. [color=a187be]"You so silly, no lock you up. Normal to hear voices after tragedy. You do better than Ray, he sav cat carrying his leg. Think you are A okay, top notch,"[/color] she said as she leaned back and gave him a bright smile. Running her hands up his shoulders she took his cheeks gently in her palms. [color=a187be]"Something to talk about yes but I vould not vorry yet. So, let us sit down and talk,"[/color] she said as she motioned over to the couch. Letting go of her husband she smiled over to Ray as she took a seat in the chair across from the couch and let out a slow breath. [color=a187be]"Nov ve all talk. You see thing, you hear thing. Both just sav something horrible. Lost friends. It hurts. I am hurt, James like uncle. Vish I could have stopped Sana, I ask myself vhat I miss? Hov could I have saved her? I can't change thing now but vork harder so others don't hurt. You both seem to knov vhat you sav no real. This is good. If you thought real, then I worry. When ve hallucinate we are conjuring up our fears. Tell me, vhat do you think vhat you sav or heard is trying to tell you? Vhat are you truly scared of, deep dovn?"[/color] she asked softly as she sat there. Froggy looked over at Riley and sighed. "Yes, she is gone. No can save her, she is resting now. No more pain of this world," Froggy said sadly before making himself straighten up a bit. He was trying not to look as defeated as he felt inside. They still had work to do, people to take care of, they needed to be there. Sadly for the medical crew there wasn't a lot of down time because even when they didn't have patients right in front of them, there were still things they needed to prepare for. "No need, just check out at back gate. Leads usually give assignments. Sometimes people just leave for a walk, being cooped up all the time isn't good. Go get a bag, some supplies for the run, weapons for defense. It's only a short ways, in and out. After you all get back, I want you to go one at a time to speak to Tatiana or Ray. Riley, why don't you go with your sister, Niesha, and our newest member Ravi here. Safety in numbers," Froggy suggested. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin[/color] & [color=fff79a]Ryan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/9hBM85enKwGm4/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Near 545 Corinth Rd, Newnan: In the woods. (Not far from the Coweta County Water Authority)[/center][hr] Gavin and Ryan listened as James answered the phone. Ryan cocked a brow, okay, he wasn't hearing things. That was good. Maybe he hadn't seen anything earlier either? No, he knew what he saw, what he heard from his brother. Okay, so maybe he was only half crazy. Maybe Bea was going nuts too? Leaning in he gave her an odd look. [color=fff79a]"Um girl, you hearing things? He didn't tell no one our location..."[/color] Ryan said quietly. He was right, James hadn't told the person on the phone where they were. He had only said they had come from Newnan. Sure that might have given an idea but this was Georgia and if you left Newnan, you could go north, south, east, west. There were a lot of directions they could go. He didn't tell the person what direction they had left Newnan, how long ago they had left, what road they were on. Nothing. Irish did want to know what was up though, granted he really didn't care what they did. He had come along to have James back, whatever the man did. James was the one that was exiled, the rest of them were just tagging along and chose to leave by their own accord. Odd as it was, Ryan felt that didn't give anyone the right to demand a say in what James said or did. He didn't ask them to come with him. Hell he seemed a little put off that others were coming with him at first. Ryan pretty much concluded that he would die out here with James, probably trying to keep the man from offing himself. No one left town the way he did without already figuring their time was up. To think other wise was just downright stupid. They all were already dead, they just didn't know it yet. [color=fff79a]"Ain't up to us girl. We left by choice, so up to him what we do. If that is butt fucking a bear, better get ready. Wouldn't be pushing a mans buttons that just axed Dick off,"[/color] Ryan said chuckling a bit but his voice was serious. He was trying to make a point that maybe trying to put ones foot down with a man that had just killed someone, been exiled, and was now seeing things probably wasn't the smartest thing Bea had done today. Gavin crinkled his lips a bit before holding his finger to his lips. [color=f26522]"Shh y'all. Don't ya be knowing yous don't interrupts someone on the phones? Yer momma not raise you rights?"[/color] he said and while he was asking a question it was more than obvious it was meant as an insult to their upbringing more than an actual inquiry. Shaking his head he leaned against the side of the house boat a bit, crossing his arms over his chest and continued to listen in on the one sided conversation that James was having with someone on the other end of the line. It wasn't every day someone had a phone, much less one that worked. It was like a small miracle to him. Hell he wanted to meet up with whoever was on the other side of the line. If they had a phone and could make calls, maybe they would come in handy when he and James went after Eden. Shit, Eden.. They still needed to talk about that.