[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/156808813687603201/364419701842903051/Servant5.png[/img] [h2][b]Fuyuki Park[/b][/h2][h3]Sunday, August 27th, 1939[/h3][/center] [hr] How strange. Not much time had passed since she had been brought into this world once more. Her presence in this war was an unnatural occurence, though that could be said for a large part of this ritual. Nonetheless, her spirit had recieved the invitation, and accepted her place amongst the heroes whom undoubtably sought out the wish of the Holy Grail for a noble cause. The thought alone was a source of amusement. After all, if she could be brought here, then there was a chance that she could meet 'Herself' as well. Ah, how exciting. Still, even with the knowledge both possessed and bestowed upon her when having manifested wasn't sufficient to know all the details of the conducts within this ritual. It seems like an irregularity had already occured, though merely a formal one. Alliances, in a war where there could be only but a single winner. She had seen her own fair share of foolishness from both the brave and the thoughtful, but the false trust that humans built towards one and other was an unpredictable factor for even the most omnipotent of beings. Of course, she herself possessed no such thing anymore. She envied whoever it was that was given the oppritunity to merely witness the events that would transpire from these circumstances. The late sunrise in the distance provided a warm spectacle over the mostly abandoned park. Her knowledge of the location was sufficient to allow for scouting. Being in the unique position of Assassin, she was gifted with the certainty that nobody else was. She could hide in broad daylight if so necessary, and nobody would know until it was too late. Being a lady led by her own whims, she had briefly considered outright disobeying orders to take her time roaming the town. However, being the one who sabotages wasn't her duty. No, she knew fully well that it was an inevitable fate for all who pursued something endlessly. Yet she still wanted to see it for herself. Her Master had been a peculiar one upon their first meeting. Virtuous. That was her first impression of him. It may be seen as an ideal quality for those aspiring to greatness to have, but it could just as easily strike them back with the weight they lay upon it. Upon seeing her, he had not submitted, nor did he command her. He sought after mutual respect, or something along those lines. Perhaps that is what's considered 'chivalrous' in this age. It was unfortunate. Had he been granted with any other Servant during this war, that may have been the correct attitude to take, but this Servant could not view her Master equally. He was far beneath her, an endearing inhabitant in the plane that had once not belonged to them. But, that fact would never be stated. Stheno was a Goddess, one who would only show the endearing qualities of a 'woman' to serve as an ideal for men. She would view him with grace and respect, but even that would be a lie. It was just natural, right? The silent stroll through the park was halted with the audiable connection established in her mind. She let out a light laugh from her lips, covering her mouth even when nobody could see her. [i]'Very well, try not to get attacked before I get there.'[/i] Ah, who could it be? She begun moving at an amazing speed, heading towards the outskirts of the Church where her Master was located. She could feel the wind blowing in her face, making the two tails on her head flutter. For a full second, she closed her eyes to take a deep breath. No matter the nature of this ritual, 'Holy Grail' was indeed a magnificent object if it allowed for her to experience this. Silent and swift, she moved across the land in a way that she could never have during the time of her actual existance. Perhaps this would be more interesting than she had believed.