[quote=@Kelewen] Dane had been too focused on trying to keep the horse from running forward and hadn't even seen Edwin coming until the shield slammed into him. The spearman cursed his own stupidity as his back smacked the snow covered ground and the carriage surged ahead. He abandoned the spear immediately, knowing it would be of little use to him now. Instead, he grabbed a handful of snow and threw it toward Edwin's eyes while trying to roll the younger man off of him. [/quote] "Hey..hey." Edwin yelled at getting snow thrown into his face. The man under him rolled and knocked Edwin off of him. It took him a minute or two to get his arm untangled from the shield and back onto his feet. Edwin drew his sword as he wiped snow from his eyes. Looking around Edwin saw that he was alone. He was the only guardsman around. He told Dane, "You go that way. I'm going this way!" Then he broke and ran away into the forest. [hr] Kan fought and was now tired. Many of the guards saw there was no point in continuing to fight against Kan. The wagon was gone and they had no leadership. At first the guards ran off in one's and two's. Soon enough all of the guards ran off. They had no more fight in them and no desire to continue fighting for the Dark Lord. The fled into the forest. Kan sat heavily on the ground. He was surrounded by dead guards. His battleaxe, armor and face were bloody. He looked up as he saw Rook and Thaliar approaching. he stood up as quickly as he could, but it wasn't very graceful. He gave the two of them a tired smile. "I'm glad you're safe, Lady. The plan worked good, yes?" He leaned heavily on his battleaxe as he staff of the axe rested on the ground.