Cadfael had been staying in the local inn, he had left home hoping to meet with other leaders. Knowing Bern would no doubt try to take his homeland, his father wished to warn others that some tribes might try to ally with Bern. However, Cadfael knew few ways other than to simply ride out and petition nobles to meet with them and warn them himself. The tribes of the plains did not understand courtly manners very well but they were honest and good people they knew that. Cadfael had been resting in the inn before pressing on to try and appeal to the Etruria for a possible alliance or at least a promise of aid when Bern came to battle. Just as the young nomad's meal arrived he heard calls and cries from outside of the inn, he looked at the innkeeper. "Hold my meal, please." He rose from the table grabbing his bow he whistled for Amelia, his horse cantered out as he climbed up onto the mare's back. Riding towards the sign of flames in the town. Spotting the house in flames and the two people who caused it in the way, he clicked his tongue and his horse broke into a gallop. Few animals were as well trained and loyal horses of the nomads of Sacae nor were any as swift. While the horse lept carts and stalls while Caldfael drew back his bow three arrows in his left-hand nocking one an arrow whisked past the general's face before the nomad's horse stopping in front of the princess and her aid. "Destruction of private property is a crime, you'll go back and apologize for that... Or you'll face the justice of the plains." He threatened simply, another arrow trained on the man who had started the flames. "Before you reach for the tome again, I'd advise not to... I am Caldfael, prince of Kutolah my arrow is faster then your hand, trust that."