Edit: Ok, fixed that part. [hider=I DO THE WIZARD][list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Sigfried Sasbach, Imperial Mage [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u]19 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u]Male [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Hooman [*][u][b]Original Appearance:[/b][/u]Back in the day he was a rather plump, tall scientist with a skin condition and thick glasses. He had blue eyes and black hair. He usually wore crumpled clothes and had a slight hunch in his posture, a product of many hours using computers. [*][u][b]Current Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2336311]Still a wet noodle though.[/url] [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Siegfried is a rather melancholic and jumpy individual. With an alarming lack of self esteem, product of years and years of frustrations and poor social interactions, he more than often crumples and apologizes more often than not. Barring that, he is clearly driven by the passion he once had in life: Science. Somehow, this has bleed out to his newfound competence in magic. He also has a surprisingly resilient moral code and values honesty, despite his overall timidity. He is also a huge nerd. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] Once a mortal man who dedicate his life to science, the man who would later be known as Sigfried was in the middle of a life crisis, when he realized he wasnt getting any younger and he had used Social skills as dump stat, basically. Sure, the allure of science was good and great, but in the end mediocrity set in, and he wondered what he was doing typing a simulation in a computer at 2 AM in the morning for an experiment barely anyone cared to begin with. To say that he yearned for a second chance was an understatement. Ironically, he ended in the body of Siegfried, a modest son of a librarian with magical talent to spare that the Grandian army had recruited with a grant to exploit his magical talent and gifted mind, in order to further the considerable amount of knowledge and tech of the Empire. Well, at the very least Siegfried is better looking than his past self was, and the fact that he can set people aflame with the power of his mind mitigates the fact he just reincarnated in the very same thing he wished to get away from. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [list][*]Magic: The ability to do stuff out of thin air. Sigfried seems to be particulary talented at this regard, and he has little trouble conjuring the lightning element. He has a basic knowledge on other elements (the basic projectiles and stuff), as well as knowing how to decently create barriers and simple sigils. He also has taken effort in learning a bit of basic healing. However, being a novice Imperial Mage, he can't do much more than the file-and-rank recruit mages...yet. [*]Bookworm: As a scientist, he was always ahead of the norm when it came to learning and processing complex and abstract concepts (specially Physics), as well as being able to learn new technological and magical disciplines quickly. [/list] [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [list][*]Science!: Siegfred attained a Physics degree in his former life, and boy, is he making use of it ever (well maybe not, given this world having magic and whatnot). Besides the knowledge in said field, this has allowed to actually use the scientific method in other disciplines, such as chemistry or magitech, and thus crank out innovations and employ lateral thinking. [*][s]Waifu Making:How did this one get in here?[/s] Automaton Crafting: He is able to create basic servant automatons, with a female shape. He is likewise able to repair them. [s]Don't ask.[/s] [*]Basic Military training: He can shoot his own pistol and stuff. He still has the physical shape of a wet noodle however. [/list] [*][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] His Imperial Outfit, A gun, Basic magic implements, a diary, booze shots. [*][b][u]Origin:[/u][/b] Our World [/list][/hider]