[@Flamelord] So, I'm taking a few liberties here. Like, nothing was really described about the route Alicia was running to get to the train station, so I was like, "Hm, where'd be a cool place to talk? Oh, I know! A currently closed department store!" ... Which I don't know if I can actually say, because maybe Alicia avoids department stores like the plague without my knowledge, I don't actually know if a closed department store would actually be filled with people, I don't actually know if this is taking place at a time a department store would be closed (it's really early, right? still night-kind early?), and I don't actually know the geography of Penrose, so, hah. Also, I'm currently assuming Alicia will stop to inspect the anomaly in front of her. That FEELS reasonable, but, er, not actually under my control, so if she does anything that clashes with the post as I've written it, tell it and I can do my best to adjust, because Mariette is the one that will have to adapt. That, and if there are any obvious problems with the location I picked that I didn't consider. Hah. Anyways. Everyone else. I gave Flamelord a heads up about that I'd do this a while back, so, unless something else is an issue that I've not considered, we'll be collaborating the encounter for extra speed, and that's about that. I just wanted to post the first part to let everyone know what's going on. So, sorry train-station combatants, Mariette's going to momentarily borrow what would be part of your reinforcements, heh. That's about that.