Did Raniero ask if this idiot was a criminal? Cyril let out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head at the pale, white haired boy. [i]This one doesn’t have the heart to be a criminal.[/i] he thought as he glowered down at Daisuke. He had shifted his foot from its position and easily got him off of him. Cyril blinked in surprise as he regained his balance, but his deadpanned expression did not waver at all. It was then that Daisuke said that he had found the Ten Year Bazooka in his closet with a note that he couldn’t read. [i]And of course, he started to play around with it.[/i] he inhaled and let out a loud sigh. Daisuke, while pointing at him, said that his future self had told him to keep it with him at all times. Cyril’s face actually changed. [i]Oh God, I actually know him in the future.[/i] [b]”Well, the next time you shoot yourself with the Bazooka, please give my future self a good smack across the face. I don’t know what I’m thinking ten years in the future.”[/b] he ran a hand down his face, groaning loudly. If the Ten Year Bazooka was here… did that mean that they would get involved with the mafia? He didn’t want anything else to do with them. He wanted to be a normal boy, live a normal life. That was why he had left Lipari in the first place. [b]”Anyway, I [i]should[/i] follow you around and make sure you don’t bang that thing up. The Ten Year Bazooka is a very delicate weapon.”[/b] He glowered over at Raniero. Cyril shouldn’t be talking so freely about the Ten Year Bazooka—he could begin to wonder why he knew so much. The dark haired boy sunk his teeth into his chocolate bar again, chewing slowly as he mulled over the situation.