[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Diamond District [hr][hr][/center] Mali remembered that she was there to provide cover, she needed to act like she belonged there. Unless not belonging was part of the cover. Who knew what part she needed to act to keep things going. Might as well just keep acting naturally for the time being. She could bother with trying to fit a specific role tonight. That said, acting to her natural inclinations at that moment meant turning down virtually every little thing offered to her, which wouldn't mesh well with the whole goal of "get pretty for tonight." People waiting on her and acting to her every whim was a foreign experience and went against her self image. She thought of herself as being a relatively independent person who took care of most things she needed done herself. Mali figured she would just need to suck up her discontent of the way the social hierarchy was set up within the confines of the store and try to enjoy herself. She'd try to avoid being as much of a hassle as possible as well. The staff were probably better paid than she was (although that wasn't too difficult of a feat to accomplish), but they probably dealt with enough cunts on a daily basis that she didn't need to give them one more headache to tend. Now the first thing she'd need was a dress for the party tonight, so it would need to be relatively formal, but it was never specified the exact level of formality needed, so something that could be a bit relaxed if she wanted it to be. But aside from finding something cute, she also ran into the ever present problem of making sure that whatever she picked would fit, or could be semi-easily adjusted to be so. Anything with sleeves was immediately out. Either her arms wouldn't fit, or she'd end up accidentally ripping them. If she wanted sleeves on a dress, she'd need to custom order it beforehand. After a few minutes she found [URL=https://n.nordstrommedia.com/ImageGallery/store/product/Zoom/12/_101222212.jpg?crop=pad&pad_color=FFF&format=jpeg&w=391&h=600&dpr=1.5&quality=65]a dress[/URL] she liked, but wasn't entirely sure how appropriate it would be. [color=D5FF00]"How about this one,"[/color] she asked Zoie, walking right up to the dress to get a closer look. [color=D5FF00]"Is it too much?"[/color] She meant it in the sense of being too revealing as opposed to financial burden. It might be too much. She did want to show off, but a mostly backless, deep-neck, slitted gown might be too much for what was essentially a first date/introduction when she thought about it.