[img]http://blog.flamingtext.com/blog/2017/09/23/flamingtext_com_1506195071_502888158.png[/img] [@KatherinWinter], [@FreeElk], [@Simple Unicycle], [@Raptra], [@bloonewb], [@KahleenCuthald], [@King Tai], [@ineffable], [@FalkiThomas], [@HumanMusic], [@SantosGabriel77], [@DriveEMOut], [@Raccoon Eyes] Roxy scanned the room and estimated that almost everyone was her. She jumped on top of a table so she could be seen by everyone. One of the disadvantages and advantages of being barely five feet tall was that she was easy overlooked. In this case she didn't want to be overlooked. [color=blue]"Thank everyone for coming. I am sure you are all wondering why I asked you here. It's a very valid question. I was offered a job that I couldn't turn down. While I usually work alone this particular job is too big for just me to handle. It's so big that I think I need all of you to pull it off. I chose have been chosen because of the skills you possess. I will double the fee of those who charge regularly for their services. Those that do not will be paid according to you have been assigned. I assure you this job is large enough for all of us to walk away with a large profit."[/color]