(I will keep filling in for people until they become active [@outdoorsguy] [@arca10tales] [@tybalt capulet]) [b]05:30 Portsmouth harbor April 2, 1800[/b] With a knocking on the cabin door Captian White awoke from his short and restless slumber. When he opened the door Hill was there with his report. It stated, that the Leer is fully crewed with 143 sailors and petty officers. 50 marines plus their Captian, Fort, and the 6 officers of the ship. 73 of the sailors have been pressed and thus are green to the ways of the sea. The last 70 have varying levels of experience. Cpt. Fort reports that his 50 marines need to be drilled and need to practice. The Master, Baxter, reports that some drills must be run. Sail drills and gun drills would be very beneficial. [hr] [b] 18:45 Portsmouth harbor April 2, 1800 [/b] As the last provisions were being stowed, a very tired Lt. Freeman climbed on deck. "Sir the shot and powder are in their place, each man is accounted for and the ship is cleared, anything else?" [@pandapolio]