"My name is Knuckles. Knuckles the Echidna. Sorry for attacking you two, I thought you guys were the enemy, meaning I thought you were humans. I escaped from a lab as well. What's the story with you two?" *Knuckles said, looking between Sonic and Sonya.* *Sonic wasn't sure if they would answer the Echinda's question, since they just barely met and the trust wasn't there yet. Sonic continued to glare at Knuckles, but the glare did soften a little when Knuckles mentioned the word "lab." His mind went back to a time that he was surprised he remembered. Well, not clearly, but the memory was there for sure. Sonic's mind had taken him back to when he was born. He was crying, covered in blood and goo from the c-section his mother had to have to bring Sonic safely into the world. The memory had a part about his mother dying and the scientists placing the new-born hedgehog kit on his mother's body. To see if the sounds of his wails would get her to care for him, but by then, she was already almost on her way out.*