Sieg Heil Vickoria. The words resonated in his mind. Sieg Heil Viktoria. The powerful call to victory, like a wish taken form. Yes, the chant for victory that was on the lips of the german people was like a demon, a curse that they wished to call into being. They a people who had lost, who fell into despair from the previous war. Victory, oh victory. Victory, the goddess that turned his back away from Germany, victory the goddess that blessed their foes and snatched away fortune. There were many reasons why their enemies have won, there were many reasons why they had lost. It did not matter whether or not it was just at a point, where he went he saw the desire and longing for validation and greatness that the German people were starved from. Dark things, disgusting things, acts that were condemned throughout the world. Their putting down of others, their rise to proclamation greatness and purity. Ah, indeed, it was such a hotpot of potential for a magus to utilize. The fact that he rose among them, the fact that he joined hands with the society was simply because of the fact that just as his magecraft could advance under them, so too could their agenda. But it was a strange and bewildering beautiful thing as well. That wish that people prayed for and reached for at the cost of so many others. Many might say that there are other ways, but Brauer only saw what was instead of what could have been. This passion and strife within the nation was fascinating in a way. Their hands are already stained black, then they should be as demons answering the wishes of the people. But at his core he had another reason to want victory, to pursue victory without thought of failure. At the end of victory laid the path to the end of a dream, the end of the dream of the Herstelles, no, magi. Just as magi dedicated all in the pursuit of their research and the raising of their heir. This was no mere ritual, no, with the backing of the forces of two nations this was truly a war. To venture to Fuyuki with the hopes of surviving after the loss of one's servant was naive, or a fortunate outcome to failure at most. Brauer straightened himself up as the sister made her way out, the magus making sure he did not show any fear or antsiness. Her few spared words were met with eloquent, freely given speech in contrast to her curt and exasperated comments. "I do not think the altar need fall under part of the remodeling we might do, if any, so do not worry. Otherwise... may we not meet again. I say that not as an insult, but as a hope of fortune for both of us. I have no ill will towards you or God, but I have no love either. We all have our roles, sister. I plan to pursue mine to the culminations of my own dreams. We are born with a purpose, magi especially so. To not commit fully is a betrayal of the blood." Brauer bid her farewell once more, gloved hand waving behind her as she walked off. She did not accept his hand in a way, but she nonetheless accepted the request under duress he presented. Leave the church and let them be so they may use the church as the resource it was meant to be in the eyes of the Nazis. He could only hope that the tool known as Archer would carry him to the end he sought. Sieg Heil Viktoria. May we attain ultimate victory, for country and family.