Katherine raised an eyebrow as yet another person slinked into her room, she noticed his arm, but thought it more polite to ignore it as best she could, "Party in here, huh? ....Wait, don't I know you? You were one of the guards at the feast with Stefan, right?" She saw Emara unshealth her daggers. Katherine caught her arm as she tried to attack the older man's side."Let's not be hasty now. If he wanted to harm us he would have while your back was turned... Although, that does raise the quesiton of why would you help me? But you can answer that when we're out of here. I would honestly follow anybody if they took me out of here. Haha..." she said quietly. Kathy tried to look past the man out the door, "Felix is out there, isn't he? Is he alright? I thought I heard his voice. We're going to take him too, right?" It was clear she was worried about him.