Rook – Rook's Shack – Morning Rook had put in a lot of work. The base line for the wall was done, as where about two thirds of main, ground based supports. That was, at very least, a good framework. He had planned on continuing, but he was simply exhausted. Even his muscles needed some rest, and he was glad after it all. He had heard the vertibird, he knew it was either Enclave or Brotherhood, neither of them were very friendly with his kind, but he was too tired to care, and simply rolled over. Which was sad really, but then again, it only took a few bad mutfruit to ruin a bunch. He had slept for a few hours, and when he awoke to the relative silence of the morning, it was warmer, so he knew it was mid-morning at least. He had a lot of work to do, but today he was not going to do it alone. He put on some simple clothing, discarded the bandage on his arm, the wound had healed in short order, and he was now going to make sure things went right. He would trudge his way to the center of town after eating a quick breakfast, grab one of the old logs, and drag it to an area. From there, he would simply sit down, his eyes partly closed as he worked upon a small patch of dirt. Yes, he was going to burn up the time he could be building, but now was the time to either find friends to help make this, or he was going to sit here, all day, until they got up to help themselves to building the wall. Either way, Rook was working on his new designs for the wall in the patch of dirt. This one was updated, showing the two gates he had the base lines for, but he also knew there was a lot more he needed to do as well. The wall was going to need to be patrolled. Hopefully Mr. Rook-Mayor had a plan for that. Next was the powering of the gates, but someone said they had that one figured out. After that was simply making sure everything was in place, properly welded down, and cemented in. Rook had an idea, but it was one that was with it's own risks. He was going to need to make a few things if he was going to do this properly.