[quote=@Raineh Daze] Whilst I disagree that Nanoha's in general on par with top-end Fate, I should point out that Nanoha using WAS to get out of the Labyrinth would probably take nearly as long as just finding the exit normally. It took her [i]how[/i] long to find Quattro in the Saint's Cradle again? It's enough time for the nice bull man to find you. :p And bringing that up... I somehow don't expect Nanoha to take the complicated option. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/svtam9r.jpg[/img][/center] [/quote] I didn't say that it was going to be fast, just that out could avoid the need to blow stuff up (which I didn't say that Nanoha wouldn't do as well). It's not a cheat, more like a convenience. Also, I didn't know that you could just break out of the Labyrinth with brute force, that really really makes things easier. As for she not being on par with Fate's power level, when I say top notch, I'm talking about Servants like Medea, who Nanoha surpasses by a lot in terms of combat magic (Medea is a witch, not a battle mage, after all), which having the endurance of someone like Lancer (just look at how much Nanoha can tank before getting to the end of a fight just to SLB her opponents into oblivion). Anyway, when I say top notch it's this kind of character, not dudes like Gil or Karna (even if SLB could really go close to Karna's nuke spear in terms of destruction, of not match it. I mean, Movie Nanoha can evaporate a city with it). And, let's not forget that Nanoha can fly, which gives her a huge advantage in most fights. She may not be Fate-fast ('cuz who's?), but she can still go quite fast and Flash Step. I hope this puts the comment I made in a better perspective. Nanoha it's good, or better, awesome character, but she's not Boss level bull shit OP, not without the Blaster System. However, I figured that Blaster System Nanoha wouldn't be accepted, I didn't even try to apply that (the Movies never go to the Strikers route). Plus, I like the Movies verse quite a lot. I could give her the Fortress + Strike Cannon, since this is the post movie 2nd Nanoha, but I have yet to watch Reflection to see how it works in the Movie. Maybe this will come as a Re:Creators like update later on, who knows? Just no Blaster System, that's too OP.