[@t2wave][@Caits] It would seem that there was a breakdown somewhere along the line lol First post I said Ash was a member of Frenzy Plant, then when I went to list everyone the second time I forgot to say she was Frenzy Plant XD I mean, she is ex-Shadow Heart so forgive me for forgetting her name but I at least listed it the first time XD :lol [@Expolar] Yet, Ash still isn't in the Frenzy Plant tab XD Also I didn't realise the collab was done yet >.> I thought we were waiting on Lugu or maybe myself. I forget. And too true about the timeframe of it. I mean, I want to do a post for Shadow Heart regarding that collab so will wait on it to be posted before working on it. Then it would mean that Ash is free to join up with a crazy Oni :D