BATTLENET [hr] 13:19 SITREP: LMG Forces have landed in Horizon. IMPSEC has left a platoon to secure the LZ and a vanguard fleet is bound for [url=]Armstrong[/url]. Horizon was ransacked by IMPSEC officers, leaving unrest among the population. Protesters have barricaded the Atrium and many are armed. 13:21 This is ugly business, but our hands have been forced. We will not forget Anita City. Restore order in Horizon by any means necessary. Do this, and I'll send a 1,000mc bonus. Transports are standing by to exfil any prisoners. Vanguard fleet, clear us a path to Armstrong and scan the area. [hider=Incoming Transmission] [img][/img] [i]"You bastards come in here, haul a bunch of us away, rob us blind and think we will stand for it?! Get the hell out of Horizon and off Ashby![/i]" He's your problem now, Commanders. You have eight hours before Sword Fleet moves on to Armstrong. Good luck. [/hider]