It is no secret that one of the allures of mass shooting is that the attacker often longs for a "high score", so to speak. They desire the highest, most exploitable, easiest way to do what they want to do - for whatever particular reason they deem fit. The reason mass shootings and active shooters are so efficient is not just because of their weapons, as we have seen vehicle ramming attacks, improvised explosives, or even stabbings gain large numbers, but because the targets are often easier. A firearm is a ranged weapon, a tool which could be exploited easier, and if not for the firearm they would find another way as mentioned above. But those targets? Very easy to exploit a crowd of people to tremendous effect, especially when they have virtually no experience with firearms or receiving contact from them. In the Las Vegas incident, many of the videos highlight this, in that the people being shot at did not immediately recognize or react to the danger simply because they did not know what it was or where it was coming from. No fault of their own, they are the innocents and victims here, but it displays how easy it is to attack large groups of people; especially with illegal weapons. There is [i]much[/i] more involved in this than just a mass shooter however, much of which is more disturbing. This man both has no and has a tremendous record of unusuality.