The sudden weight that Thaliar felt from Rook didn't catch him off-guard really, though it did take him a solid second to prop her back up again. He knew why she suddenly felt so heavy, for she was sad. It was an interesting concept, the feeling of sadness, one that many elves looked upon with a curious fascination. To many elves, emotion was something that happened to those too caught up in the present and past, and not the future. But to Thaliar, it had become natural after being surrounded by humans so often. Not that he felt it himself all too often, only that one time... Kan was alive, bloodied and tired, but still alive. The elf smiled back to the massive shape of a man, hidden underneath so many layers of armour that he could have posed as a guard for Lord Octa himself. Rook hurried over to him and hugged him, another sign of emotion, but a good one. Happiness, joy, friendship. That made him smile too. It was a pleasent sight in contrast to what had just befallen this little patch of woods. And then there was another voice, somewhere in the distance. Thaliar's pointed ears caught it loud and clear, and made the elf turn towards it. It was Dane, another Companion of The Wood Guards, politely asking Kan for help with. Well, polite wasn't exactly what it was, but it was something. "Go ahead, I'll help Rook. "