(OOC: I just noticed an embarassing typo in the title. Damn you, brain) [h3]A few pointers[/h3] [list] [*]his RP is set in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion, a mecha series that is not really a mecha series, and emphasizes in very psychological aspects. Also a lot of explosions and not entirely explained Judeo-Christian terminology.There is a few places you can find information about it, and I reccomend watching it (not for the sake of the Rp, of course, but it is a good series I particulary enjoy). [*] Since this is an Evangelion RP, the main focus will be to get a small group of [s]dysfunctional[/s] 14 year old pilots called Children fighting giant monsters. [list] [*]Secondary Roles are appreciated, however. [/list] [*] Casual Rp, with a bit of a lassez-faire attitude. I will also probably keep the RP slow and steady. Also please make sure people have reasonable time to reply to your posts before posting again. Normal etiquette is to be expected. Don't be Gendo. [*] The following elements and characters from canon will be present. [list] [*]Canon Evangelion units [*]Gendo Ikari, Ritsuko Akagi, Misato Katsuragi, Fuyutsuki, Aoba, Hyuga, Ibuki. (Possibly) Rei Ayanami. [*]SEELE [*] Angels (in general). [*]Tokyo 3 [*]God-King of Penguins, Pen-pen, The First of His Name. [/list] [*]The following elements from canon will [u]not[/u] be present. [list] [*]Yui Ikari(dead) [*]Shinji Ikari(dead) [/list] [*]Character sheet is a work in progress. [*]I may or may not include synchronization as stat. [/list] Questions, Interests?