Victoria was expecting the bad joke, how many times had she here that one, did she wanna make a snow man too, maybe some bad joke about being a cripple. It was a cutting remark but he was somewhat a jerk too. "no, maybe you not question strangers names though. And I spent over a year in hospital, I'd not exactly recommend it." "and no. I Don,t wanna make a snow man..." He looked somewhat.... He was probbly about right age if you took away the sheer battered state he was in, replace a tooth,... He might have been in her year? She had vanished years ago, no wonder she could not remember that. [@Jaded][@Ciaran][@knifeman] ... Marinalia smiled slightly, she knew she had a advantage at times and was in good shape, least he was being pleasent, books well she read abit but training and lessons kept her too busy to ever be a book worm. [i]"thanks, bit of a Outlander girl. Fit Men n kilts help. Well when I get time anyway. Training is pretty intense and I got finals this year" [/i] Throwing her jacket on, she, had worked hard to earn her place on the team after being stabbed, months to get her fitness and times back, and more after this to bring back to a peak edge. Maybe the kilts bit was abit much but she did not care too much. Maybe she should check on Victoria before class started but she seemed to have it handled now. [@Cruallassar]