[hr] [center][h1][color=9e005d]Constantin Kolev [/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7abab444934e1f8f30e883bdad0f71a0/tumblr_nrisnnDhEA1rmcs4lo6_500.gif [/img] Location: The Tent City.[/center] [hr] [color=9e005d]“Make vay... make vay...”[/color] Constantin was calling nonstop as he was pulling everything he was able to grab form the cold weather gear along with the bed warmer. He's steps were rapid as he felt himself almost run full speed across the path towards Veta's tent. [color=9e005d][i]'Just hold a little more, Veta!'[/i][/color] He thought has he was almost about to start pushing people out his way. [color=9e005d]“I bring the gear!”[/color] He called loudly as soon as he thought he should be in hearing range of the tent.[color=9e005d]” Get out of the vay!”[/color] He called to the people around him. Few things concerned him as much as the his friend's survival right now. She was getting an earful when she gets better! [color=9e005d] “The warmers are here!”[/color] He called as he reached the tent. He was breathing heavy right now as she too was coming to realize that well.. he was running around with wet clothing. Was probably a really good idea to go change after this. Getting sick wouldn't be good for anyone even with more used to cold body, there were still limitations.