[h1][center][b][color=teal]Solomon[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Ow. Ow. Ow. Every step was punctuated by a stab of pain in Solomon's side as the group moved along, protected by Ezain's sacrifice. Solomon felt a pang of regret. He felt if things had gone just a little differently Ezain wouldn't have had to die. They could've handled things better. Of course how were they to know the full extent of the danger they were going into. They hadn't been warned there would be hordes of lunatics down here waiting to kill them. They retreated in the light of Ezain's death to find themselves heading towards another light. Of course one might say the more pressing concern was the ravenous horde making noises of every kind behind them, seemingly wanting to chase them but prevented from doing so. Luckily for them, from the sounds of it... they wouldn't live for very long if that group found them. At least that was the best case scenario. Suddenly the light they were heading towards flickered out. From the sounds of it someone was trying something in the dark. Solomon stood still so as to not interfere with whatever they were doing and spoke up, though he tried to keep his voice low, [color=teal]"Hey hey hey, what're you trying to do?"[/color] Wasn't sure who 'who' was, but if it was Isabella it probably involved swinging her sword at something, which given the last few times she'd done that, could end very poorly.