[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Elias leaned back into his bed, relaxing as Alexis left the room. Sleep was a much needed commodity for him recently, due to his constant abuse from Wesen. No matter what he did, he always seemed to be injured quite severely. It was starting to annoy him. Then again, it was simply a part of who he was... [hr] [color=ed145b]"Help! Sophie's been attacked!"[/color] Elias' eyes snapped open at the sudden commotion in the house, spurred into an immediate state of fight-or-flight. Through the walls, he could hear scattered voices and rushed footsteps, but the wood muffled any kind of intelligible language. Worry crossed the Grimm's face as he pushed the blankets off of his body, swinging his legs over the side of the bed to take a stand. Wincing at the movement in his shoulder, the injured man looked towards the door when it burst open suddenly. [color=ed145b]"Elias,"[/color] Alexis burst out, moving quickly towards him. [color=ed145b]"Something has happened!"[/color] [color=royalblue]"I heard Soph-!"[/color] Elias didn't manage to get any other words out before Alexis informed him of the situation, putting him on high alert. With a nod, he moved across the room, grabbing a loose tunic as he went. [color=royalblue]"Take me to her."[/color] Elias spoke curtly as he pulled the shirt over his shoulder and across his body, ignoring the flaring pain in his limb. If Sophie had really been attacked with instructions to take out him and Alexis, that meant they were in immediate danger. He needed to see exactly what kind of creature had attacked Sophie if they were going to stand a chance. [color=royalblue]"Alexis, if that's true, then we can't leave the house,"[/color] Elias said. [color=royalblue]"They obviously can't get to us while we're under your Aunt's protection, but if we step outside for even a moment, we're free game."[/color] [hr] A cloaked figure moved quickly through the streets, searching for any sign of his partner. She was almost an hour late, and if he knew anything about Sophie, it was that she was punctual as all hell. Pulling gently at the fabric of his cape, the man growled as some unknown substance stained the bottom edge of it. He would've stopped to clean it there, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. After almost half an hour of searching, he found traces of blood staining the cobble of a dimly lit back road, indicating that someone had been attacked very recently. Upon further inspection, the hooded figure was able to place the scent. [color=teal][i]Sophie...[/i][/color] If he had a nose worth a damn, he would've been able to track her based on scent alone, but that wasn't his species specialty. Fortunately, his eyesight would be able to help him. He could see exactly where Sophie had gone through the faint indentations in the dirt. Apparently, someone had taken her, but she didn't seem to have resisted, but rather... complied? Whatever the case was, he needed to find her, and fast. Without another thought, he bolted off down the alleyway, intent on finding his partner.